Episode 8

Amelia: “I think we have something in common here”

Brenda: “Really, what is it?

Amelia smiled and answered “Dave”

Brenda: “I don’t understand you”

Amelia: “Don’t be so dumb girl, we are in love with the same guy here and one of us must back out!”

Brenda: “interesting”

Amelia: “Dave and I have been dating for over 2 years now; I left because I needed some space but now I’m back and you must be on your way out”

Brenda laughed… Much as it was a serious issue on ground, she found the conversation funny.

Amelia: “And what’s funny about what I just said?

Brenda: “Look lady, was this why you called me here?? Now, listen and listen carefully. I know Dave and not you. I don’t know what went on with you two and honestly, I don’t want to know. Dave and I have something good going and as far as I am concerned, he already made his choice. He’s the one you should be talking to, not me. If you will excuse me now, I have something important to do.”

Brenda walked out on her and went straight home. That didn’t go down well with Amelia… In fact, it sparked up her dark side.

“Seriously! Did she just give me that attitude? She must be joking. This is just the beginning. I will get my man back. I certainly will!” Amelia told herself as she left the scene.

She was going to back up, study things and strike again from the weakest point.

On getting to Dave’s place, Brenda thought about talking over the whole drama episode with him. She however decided to let it be “let him be the one to tell me about it when he feels comfortable enough” she thought to herself. “I too have secrets, when the time comes and we are both okay with it, then we can talk”.

Days passed by, Brenda and Dave were getting along very well with no interruption from Mr. Edwards or Amelia. Their love grew stronger as the days went by. They did everything together; came to school together, ate together, studied together and generally spent time together. Everybody knew they were dating because they could barely hide their obsession with each other. This further enhanced the trust and transparency in their relationship.

Amelia made allies on campus; she monitored the couple’s every movement. She was waiting for just the right time to strike.

Soon it was time for the long awaited seminar that the students had been preparing for; the one on entrepreneurship with the mystery guest lecturer.

All students arrived early that morning including Brenda, Dave and Amelia. They were all neatly dressed in corporate outfits.

Their course lecturer also arrived on time and he had invited other lecturers to be present as well.

Before the resource person arrived, Mr. Edwards remembered he had left his briefcase at his office. Randomly, he called Amelia to go fetch it for him.

Amelia got to his office, saw the briefcase and picked it up but she didn’t leave immediately… her curiosity got the better of her. She decided to explore the office looking for nothing in particular. She noticed a particular brown envelope, which had been isolated from the other office stuff.

She quickly reached for it and realized that the envelope was unsealed. Opening it, she found the photos of Brenda with Mr. Edwards… Copies of the original photos Dave had taken on that fateful night.

Amelia was taken aback when she saw the photos but she smiled at them. Mischievous thoughts were already running through her mind. She realized what she could do with the pictures.

Back at the lecture theatre, a black tinted Range Rover Vogue HSE had just pulled in and parked. The car was the latest model and looked every bit as expensive as one of the most expensive SUV’s in the world should be. The car definitely was a symbol of success.

An aide jumped out of the car to quickly open the back door for the occupant. A tall, handsome looking elderly man slowly alighted from the back seat. He wore success like a cloak and looked quite powerful. He sure looked like a man of style. He wore a pinstriped double-breasted pale blue suit, a pink shirt with matching necktie and brown cowhide shoes.

This was apparently the surprise resource person. He was one of the county’s topmost industrialists and had charted repeatedly as one of the top ten wealthiest men in the country for the past 10 years. The course lecturer recognized him and went out to usher him into the class.

The class was agog as students closer to the windows spotted him and passed the word back as to whom he was. There was now palpable excitement in the air and everyone was anxious to see him. As they entered through the door, the class stood up to welcome him.

Brenda who was sitting with Dave as usual, turned to catch a glimpse of the man. She got caught up with the excitement and pushed herself on her toes to see beyond the students who were standing.

On sighting the man, her blood almost froze, she gasped for breath and almost fainted.

“This can’t be real,” She said to herself.

It was Her Dad.

To be continued…
MY WOMAN, MY EVERYTHING 8 MY WOMAN, MY EVERYTHING 8 Reviewed by adeyemo nathaniel on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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